Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just checking in.

Bob and Kathy congratulation on your 2 year anniversary. May you have many more happy years together.

Not this last sat, but the sat before that I had a really good day. We cooked outside. Moma, Harry and Alyssa came over. After we ate myself, Moma and Alyssa went to Trail Dust Town which is located at Tanque Verde and Grant. We walked around and had a good time. They have alot of little shops. Most of the shops were closed because we got there kinda of late. It kinda like Old Tucson. I kinda worn myself out, but it was worth it. I can't wait to get my health back and feel like a normal person. But until then I'll have to take one day at a time. Moma said to say hello to everyone.
Until Later

1 comment:

Kathryn and Bob said...

I'm so glad you are feeling much better. You must get out and enjoy every day to offset the bad days. I think the mind is a powerful tool, try to stay positive and believe in yourself. Years from now you'll wonder how you got through got through it all.
Occasionally I pick up a photo magazine called LensWork. The March/April issues had an article and photos called "This Is Who I Am" It's about women and how we view our bodies. I've included a link which includes a preview of the book she published.
