Sunday, September 14, 2008

Photos from Oregon

I've attached a few pictures from our lastest trip to Oregon.   Our first stop was Portland for a couple of days.  We arrived just in time for the Gay Pride Weekend celebration.  What a shock!!  On friday night there was a Dike Parade(this is what they called it).  There were topless women on Harley's.  Didn't know boobs could sag that far.  There was also several gangs of pirates roaming the streets.  Never did figure out that out.  The following day there was a full-on Gay Pride parade.  What a sight!!  Unbelievable!!   After those very enlightening couple of days we headed to the coast for some serenity.  On a previous our trip to the Oregon Coast we discovered this small town called Manzanita that we really liked.  It's right on the beach, population about 600.  There is a small motel right across the street from the beach.  It's great, Bob can go Kiteboarding and I can take pictures without going too far.   If  you are ever in Oregon, you should definitely  visit the coast.  
Manzanita is just beyond that last big rock.  

1 comment:

tammie said...

Like the pics of the coast of Oregan.